(E199) Governance Policy

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Bottom-Up Governance Policy



The association recognises the need to set a culture for the way in which the organisation as a whole develops in the years to follow. Considering both the most practical and achievable policy for this has led the association to adopt a bottom-up orientated policy of development.


Our Approach To Governance

The association believes it performs at it’s best when it’s members – participants and instructors – collectively decide on the main objectives for development. Our instructors in particular – and the club as a whole – are in essence the very heart of the organisation it’s self and we believe our community of members has the right to decide on our future in a democratic way.

We adopt a top-down approach to the implementation of policy but a bottom-up approach to the orientation of policy to ensure middle ground through which balance can be achieved.

Staff are encouraged to tackle decision via a collaborative approach to ensure those practicing, working and performing tasks on a daily basis (who ultimately have the best understanding of the micro-mechanics of said tasks and functions) have the opportunity to help develop and improve the way the organisation works.

Instructors and clubs are encouraged to get involved in deciding the future direction of the association and all necessary tools are provided to our instructor base to ensure;

  • Instructors and clubs understand our current priorities
  • Instructors and clubs can discuss via an open forum with other clubs concerns, requests and ideas
  • Instructors and clubs have valid opportunities to voice concerns or requests with senior management
  • The association can conduct a valid and audit-able vote on key functions, ideas and developments


Bottom-Up Policy Orientation

The root of all activity orientates around the participant – students and parents. We believe students should feedback to instructors and clubs with regards to their preferences on martial arts participation. Whilst the club must moderate this with coaching principles and commercial obligations, the student base it’s self has the ability to set the direction of a club’s growth and development.

The club or instructor, representing the voices of it’s participants can then share these views and opinions on a national platform via the association’s instructor led community. This will be balanced by the instructor or clubs experience and commercial orientation to ensure views and opinions are moderated and adjusted to be in the best interests of the students.

Top-Down Examples Of Policy Implementation

When the community’s views have been received (see above) the association can make a collective decision to introduce or adapt policy, and filter this back down through clubs to participants. This allows the association to target guidance at the trained professionals whom will have the ultimate ability and control to voice and implement policy to participants at club level.

The association also provides the ability for participants and students to reach out directly to the main board of the association, and to the committee via a dedicated Student Liaison Service.


Noticeable Exceptions

The BMABA recognises that it is not possible to allow our instructors full control over our regulations and rule book. The association must ensure a robust mechanism for developing standards of excellence for instructors and senseis and this must be kept separate to commercial interests of the board and the logistical interests of instructors.

Accordingly, our Director shall have ultimate responsibility for ensuring effective and robust regulatory standards however input on the best mechanics and routes to achieve this are discussed and agreed with the Senior Committee who are themselves elected members from across our association’s instructor base. This ensures the Director is briefed on cross-demographic opinions so key decisions can be made with the interests of instructors, balanced with the key objective to safeguard, firmly in mind.


Legal Responsibilities

The legal responsibilities for the solvency and compliance of the association as a legal entity remains with the Director, Chief Executive and Board. Whilst decisions relating to commercial operations may be made in a top-down fashion, general consensus and transparency on funding, income, spending and financial obligations must be published to our members to ensure the opportunity to voice concerns and suggestions exists.



LAST UPDATED: 06/12/2018