0844 884 4894
Lines open Monday to Friday, 09:30AM – 04:30PM. We don’t make any income from the use of an 0844 number but you may be charged, depending on your phone provider. We use this number to help direct calls to the available member of our committee. If you can’t get through, please leave us a message and someone will come back to you as soon as possible.
If you’d like us to call you back, please use the contact form to the right to schedule this.
Text Or WhatsApp;
07935 264828
Write To Us

BMABA Limited
Kemp House,
160 City Road,
United Kingdom,

This address will not accept any visitors.

Who Are We?

BMABA Limited Trading As British Martial Arts & Boxing Association.

Registration Number 10676965.

We’re registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office and take our duty to safeguard data seriously. Registration number ZA241917.